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Book Cover
Golden Statue
Statue hand holding the megazine
Text coversation Cinzia
Document opened in word, talking about digital world
White statue with golden hand
White statue with golden hand
Text being pulled in by a black hole
Text being pulled in by a black hole
Two cool chairs made out of  wooden balls
One cool chair made out of wooden balls
More cool chairs
More cool chairs
Zeus playing with electrical cable
Zeus playing with electrical cable
Cool clouds
Cool cluds
Cool cloudes catalogue with prices and description
One bigger cloud with prices and description
One bigger cloud with prices and description
One bigger cloud with prices and description
Venice written above black chocolate
Black chocolate in pieces
Idk why its called space
A champagne in a food vacuumm bag
A description of the first strike in orbit in 1973. Three American astronauts who were part of the Skylab 4 mission rebelled against too much work impossed by NASA
A sea bass carpaccio in a vacuumm bag
Spaghetti in a vacuum bag
Marinated tuna steak in a vacuum bag
Fig leaf ice cream in a vacuum bag
A neon scolpture of a woman eatign a peach
Four neon scolptures of women eating peaches
Shadow of the book cover Shadow of the opened book Arrow button for turning on the next page Contact logo opener Arrow pointing at the contact logo opener An X closing the surprise tab
Green god Mars Text that comes with Mars